en:allgemein:campus ^ ^ en:allgemein:mentoren >>
====== 2.02 Faculty ======
===== Institutes, subject areas and study programmes =====
The Faculty of Computer Science and Automation is divided into five institutes:
* [[https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/universitaet/fakultaeten/fakultaet-informatik-und-automatisierung/profil/institute-und-fachgebiete/institut-fuer-automatisierungs-und-systemtechnik|Automatisierungs- and Systems Engineering]]
* [[https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/universitaet/fakultaeten/fakultaet-informatik-und-automatisierung/profil/institute-und-fachgebiete/institut-fuer-biomedizinische-technik-und-informatik|Biomedizinische Engineering and Computer Science]]
* [[https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/universitaet/fakultaeten/fakultaet-informatik-und-automatisierung/profil/institute-und-fachgebiete/institut-fuer-praktische-informatik|Praktische Computer Science and Media Informatics]]
* [[https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/universitaet/fakultaeten/fakultaet-informatik-und-automatisierung/profil/institute-und-fachgebiete/institut-fuer-technische-informatik-und-ingenieurinformatik|Technische Computer Science and Engineering Informatics]]
* [[https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/universitaet/fakultaeten/fakultaet-informatik-und-automatisierung/profil/institute-und-fachgebiete/institut-fuer-theoretische-informatik|Theoretische Computer Science]]
The institutes themselves are further subdivided into a total of 22 subject areas, each headed by a professor. Research focuses on modelling, simulation and optimisation of dynamic systems, biomedical diagnosis and therapy methods or assistance and service robots, among others. The faculty, founded in 1990, has about 1200 students, about 130 staff members and 20 professors. The following Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes are offered:
* [[https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/universitaet/fakultaeten/fakultaet-informatik-und-automatisierung/studium/biomedizinische-technik-bsc/msc|Biomedizinische Technology]] (**BMT** or **BT**)
* [[https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/universitaet/fakultaeten/fakultaet-informatik-und-automatisierung/studium/informatik-bsc/msc|Informatik]] (**IN**)
* [[https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/universitaet/fakultaeten/fakultaet-informatik-und-automatisierung/studium/ingenieurinformatik-bsc/msc|Ingenieurinformatik]] (**II**)
* [[https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/universitaet/fakultaeten/fakultaet-informatik-und-automatisierung/studium/technische-kybernetik-bsc/msc|Technische Cybernetics and systems theory]] (**TKS**)
* [[https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/universitaet/fakultaeten/fakultaet-informatik-und-automatisierung/studium/research-in-computer-systems-engineering-msc|Research in Computer and System Engineering]] (**RCSE** or **RCS**)
The "Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences" (MN) includes the following
* The [[https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/universitaet/fakultaeten/fakultaet-mathematik-und-naturwissenschaften/profil/institute-und-fachgebiete/institut-fuer-chemie-und-biotechnik|Institut Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology]]\\ with the Bachelor's programme in "Biotechnical Chemistry" and the Master's programme of the same name.
* The [[https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/universitaet/fakultaeten/fakultaet-mathematik-und-naturwissenschaften/profil/institute-und-fachgebiete/institut-fuer-mathematik|Institut for Mathematics]]\\ with the Bachelor's degree programme in "Mathematics" and the Master's degree programme in "Mathematics and Business Mathematics".
* The [[https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/universitaet/fakultaeten/fakultaet-mathematik-und-naturwissenschaften/profil/institute-und-fachgebiete/institut-fuer-physik|Institut for Physics]]\\ with the Bachelor's degree programme "Technical Physics" and the Master's degree programmes "Technical Physics" and "Regenerative Energy Technology".
The Faculty of Economics and Media is divided into five institutes:
* Business Administration
* Economics
* Law
* Business Information Systems
* Media and Communication Studies
and is responsible for the following Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes:
* [[https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/universitaet/fakultaeten/fakultaet-wirtschaftswissenschaften-und-medien/studium/angewandte-medien-und-kommunikationswissenschaft-ba|Angewandte Media and Communication Studies]] (**AMW**Bachelor)
* [[https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/universitaet/fakultaeten/fakultaet-wirtschaftswissenschaften-und-medien/studium/betriebswirtschaftslehre-mit-technischer-orientierung-b-sc|Betriebswirtschaftslehre with technical orientation]] (**TBWL**, Bachelor)
* [[https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/universitaet/fakultaeten/fakultaet-wirtschaftswissenschaften-und-medien/studium/medienwirtschaft-ba|Medienwirtschaft]] (**MW**, Bachelor and Master)
* [[https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/universitaet/fakultaeten/fakultaet-wirtschaftswissenschaften-und-medien/studium/wirtschaftsinformatik-ba|Wirtschaftsinformatik]] (**WI**, Bachelor and Master)
* [[https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/universitaet/fakultaeten/fakultaet-wirtschaftswissenschaften-und-medien/studium/wirtschaftsingenieurswesen-ba|Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen]] in the fields of electrical engineering and mechanical engineering (**WIW**Bachelor and Master)
* [[https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/universitaet/fakultaeten/fakultaet-wirtschaftswissenschaften-und-medien/studium/international-business-economics-m-sc|International Business Economics]] (**IBE**, Master)
* [[https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/universitaet/fakultaeten/fakultaet-wirtschaftswissenschaften-und-medien/studium/media-and-communication-science-m-a|Media and Communication Science]] (**MCS**, Master)
The institutes themselves are further subdivided into a total of 20 subject areas, each headed by a professor.
each headed by a professor.
===== Dean's office ======
The Dean's Office consists of the Dean, the Associate Dean and the Dean of Studies. The Dean leads the Faculty and decides on all matters of the Faculty that are not expressly assigned to the Faculty Council. The Associate Dean supports the Dean in his duties and tasks and represents him in his absence. The Dean of Studies performs the tasks related to teaching and studies within the framework of the Dean's overall responsibility.
^ Dean ^ Associate Dean ^ Dean of Studies ^
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil.\\ **Armin Zimmermann** | Prof. Dr.-Ing.\\ **Johann Reger** | Prof. Dr.\\ **Dietrich Kuske** |
| Zusebau, Room 2054\\ [[armin.zimmermann@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 4420]] | Zusebau, Room 2025\\ [[johann.reger@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 2817]] | Zusebau, room 1047\\ [[dietrich.kuske@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 1444]] |
| [[https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/universitaet/fakultaeten/fakultaet-informatik-und-automatisierung/profil/institute-und-fachgebiete/institut-fuer-technische-informatik-und-ingenieurinformatik/sse/team/prof-armin-zimmermann|Website]] |[[https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/universitaet/fakultaeten/fakultaet-informatik-und-automatisierung/profil/institute-und-fachgebiete/institut-fuer-automatisierungs-und-systemtechnik/fachgebiet-regelungstechnik-institut-as-fak-ia/team-fg-regelungstechnik-institute-as-fak-ia/prof-dr-ing-johann-reger|Website]] |[[https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/universitaet/fakultaeten/fakultaet-informatik-und-automatisierung/profil/institute-und-fachgebiete/institut-fuer-theoretische-informatik/fachgebiet-automaten-und-logik/team/prof-d-kuske|Website]] |
^ Dean ^ Associate Dean ^ Dean of Studies ^
| Univ. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil.\\ **Hannes Töpfer** | Univ. Prof. Dr. rer. nat.\\ **Jochen Seitz** | Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil.\\ **Andreas Möckel** |
| [[dekan-ei@tu-ilmenau.de]] | [[prodekan-ei@tu-ilmenau.de]] | [[studiendekan-ei@tu-ilmenau.de]] |
^ Dean ^ Associate Dean ^ Dean of Studies ^
| Univ. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil.\\ **Jean Pierre Bergmann** | Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil.\\ **Thomas Fröhlich** | Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.\\ **René Theska** |
| [[dekan-mb@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 2499]] | [[thomas.froehlich@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 1398]] | [[rene.theska@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 3957]] |
^ Dean ^ Vice Dean, Dean of Studies ^
| Prof. Dr. rer. nat.\\ **Stefan Krischok** | Prof. Dr.\\ **Carsten Trunk** |
| [[dekan-mn@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 3701]] | [[prodekan-mn@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[studiendekan-mn@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 3253]] |
^ Dean ^ Vice Dean for Academic Affairs ^
| Univ. Prof. Dr.\\ **Michael Grüning** | Univ. Prof. Dr. rer. pol.\\ **Thomas Grebel** |
| Oeconomicum, Room 4021\\ [[dekan-wm@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 4011]] | Ernst Abbe Centre, Room 2212\\ [[prodekan-wm@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 4033]] |
===== Faculty Council (FakRat) =====
The Faculty Council is the highest decision-making body of each faculty. It decides on the available funds of the faculty. Furthermore, it deals with the study regulations of the faculty, as well as the examination and doctoral regulations. Among the 13 voting members are two voting students and two advisory student members.
===== Study Commission (SK) =====
The Study Commission is a committee of the Faculty Council. It deals with questions concerning the sensible organisation and implementation of teaching. In addition, the Study Commission develops changes to the study regulations and the course of studies on the basis of the proposals of the study programme committees.
===== Study Programme Commission (SGK) =====
There is a study programme commission for each study programme, which deals with the preparation of and changes to the study documents. The members are appointed by the Faculty Council of the respective faculty.
===== Examination Board =====
There is one examination board for each degree programme. The members are elected by the Faculty Council. The examination board has at least five members, with the professors in the majority and at least one student and one staff member of the faculty.
===== Examinations Office ======
The Faculty's Examinations Office is responsible for all matters relating to the administration of examinations, internships and the issuing of certificates. The staff will be happy to advise you on organisational questions regarding your studies or questions about examination law.
The office of the [[https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/universitaet/fakultaeten/fakultaet-informatik-und-automatisierung/profil/referat-bildung-und-pruefungsamt|Prüfungsamtes]] office is located in room 2080 (1st floor, corridor F).
^ Education Officer ^ Administrator ^ Secretariat ^
| Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing.\\ **Silke Eberhardt-Schmidt** |**Anett Kaden** |**Nora Dempwolf** |
| [[silke.eberhardt@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 2805]] | [[anett.kaden@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 03677 69 2868]] | [[pruefungsamt-ia@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 2804]] |
Free **Office hours** is on Thursday from 12:00 - 15:00 in the ASC. During the rest of the week, just send an e-mail or call.
^ Education Officer ^ Examinations Office ^ Secretariat ^
| **Cornelia Scheibe** |**Maren Lange** |**Nadine Wallau**, **Fanny Wintzer** |
| [[pruefungsamt-ei@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 2610]] | [[pruefungsamt-ei@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 2611]] | [[pruefungsamt-ei@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 2608]] |
^ Head of Education ^ Administrator ^ Administrator ^
| Dipl.-Ing.\\ **Jana Buchheim** |**Monika Hofmann** |**Madlen Merten** |
| [[jana.buchheim@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 2494]] | [[pruefungsamt-mb@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 2494]] | [[pruefungsamt-mb@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 2496]] |
^ Education Officer ^ Clerk ^ Clerk ^
| Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf.\\ **Manja Krümmer** | Dipl.-Math.\\ **Gabi Käppler** | Dipl.-Chem.\\ **Barbara Hamann** |
| [[manja.kruemmer@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 3763]] | [[pruefungsamt-mn@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 3761]] | [[pruefungsamt-mn@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 3264]] |
The head of the Examinations Office is Dipl.-Ing. Susanne
^ Contact ^ Office hours ^
| Ernst Abbe Centre 1317 (EAZ)\\ 03677 69 4647\\ [[pruefungsamt-wm@tu-ilmenau.de]] | Tue: 09.00 - 11.00\\ Wed: 13.00 - 15.00\\ Thu: 09.00 - 11.00\\ Appointments outside office hours by arrangement |
===== Student advisory service =====
You can contact the subject advisory service if you have questions about the content of your degree programme, whether it's information about the specialisations or topics in internships or theses.
^ BMT ^ IN ^ II ^ RCSE ^ TKS ^
| Dr.-Ing.\\ **Marko Helbig** | Prof. Dr.\\ **Dietrich Kuske** | Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil.\\ **Daniel Ziener** | Prof. Dr.-Ing.\\ **Patrick Mäder** | Prof. Dr.-Ing.\\ **Johann Reger** |
| Bionics Building, Room 2119\\ [[marko.helbig@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 1271]] | Zusebau, room 1047\\ [[dietrich.kuske@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 1444]] | Zusebau, room 2056\\ [[daniel.ziener@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 2827]] | Zusebau, room 2038\\ [[patrick.maeder@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 4839]] | Zusebau, room 2025\\ [[johann.reger@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 2817]] |
| [[https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/universitaet/fakultaeten/fakultaet-informatik-und-automatisierung/profil/institute-und-fachgebiete/institut-fuer-biomedizinische-technik-und-informatik/bmti/fachgebiete/biosignalverarbeitung/dr-ing-marko-helbig|Website]] |[[https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/universitaet/fakultaeten/fakultaet-informatik-und-automatisierung/profil/institute-und-fachgebiete/institut-fuer-theoretische-informatik/fachgebiet-automaten-und-logik/team/prof-d-kuske|Website]] |[[https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/universitaet/fakultaeten/fakultaet-informatik-und-automatisierung/profil/institute-und-fachgebiete/institut-fuer-technische-informatik-und-ingenieurinformatik/fachgebiet-rechnerarchitektur-und-eingebettete-systeme/prof-daniel-ziener|Website]] |[[https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/universitaet/fakultaeten/fakultaet-informatik-und-automatisierung/profil/institute-und-fachgebiete/institut-fuer-praktische-informatik/data-intensive-systems-and-visualization-group-daisy/team|Website]] |[[https://www.tu-ilmenau.de/universitaet/fakultaeten/fakultaet-informatik-und-automatisierung/profil/institute-und-fachgebiete/institut-fuer-automatisierungs-und-systemtechnik/fachgebiet-regelungstechnik-institut-as-fak-ia/team-fg-regelungstechnik-institute-as-fak-ia/prof-dr-ing-johann-reger|Website]] |
^ EIT ^ MT ^ WSW ^
| Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil.\\ **Jochen Seitz** | Dr.\\ **Eckhardt Schön** | Univ. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil.\\ **Peter Schaaf** |
| [[jochen.seitz@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 2614]] | [[eckhardt.schoen@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 2662]] | [[peter.schaaf@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 3610]] |
^ FZT ^ MB ^ MTR ^
| PD Dr.-Ing. habil.\\ **Valentin Ivanov** | Dipl.-Ing.\\ **Silke Augustin** | AOR PD Dr.-Ing. habil.\\ **Tom Ströhla** |
| ThIMo-2 Building, Room 2010\\ [[valentin.ivanov@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 3869]] | Kirchhoff Building, Room 2020\\ [[silke.augustin@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 1487]] | House F, room 4120\\ [[tom.ströhla@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 2448]] |
^ AMW, MCS ^ WI ^ WIW ^ MW ^ TBWL ^
| Dr.\\ **Christina Schumann** | Dr.\\ **Daniel Fischer** | Dipl.-Kffr.\\ **Sylvia Schultz** | Dr.\\ **Alexander Fox** | Univ. Prof. Dr. habil.\\ **Norbert Bach** |
| EAZ 2338\\ [[studienfachberatung-amw@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 4678]] | Oeconomicum, Room 2004\\ [[studienfachberatung-wi@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 4053]] | Oeconomicum, Room 3022\\ [[studienfachberatung-wiw@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 4004]] | Oeconomicum, Room 4005\\ [[studienfachberatung-mw@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 4016]] | Oeconomicum, Room 3019\\ [[studienfachberatung-tbwl@tu-ilmenau.de]]\\ [[tel>+49 3677 69 4004]] |
===== E-mail distribution list =====
For students of the Faculty of Computer Science and Automation, e-mail distribution lists have been set up through which you will receive short-term notifications, such as information on examination matters and the organisation of studies or notifications of room and time changes. Since the e-mails are sent out according to the degree programme, you may also receive information that is intended for other semesters.
Students can also use these addresses to distribute information relevant to their studies or to make enquiries to fellow students. For example, if you want to form a study group or are looking for fellow students for group work.
^ BMT | [[bachelor-bmt@tu-ilmenau.de ]] |
^ IN | [[bachelor-in@tu-ilmenau.de ]] |
^ II | [[bachelor-ii@tu-ilmenau.de ]] |
^ TKS | [[bachelor-tks@tu-ilmenau.de ]] |