
Beginn deines Studiums in Ilmenau

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en:dienste:mfa [13.04.2023 03:08] – angelegt Marc Schlagenhaufen:dienste:mfa [12.10.2023 20:45] (current) – external edit
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-====== Multifactor authentication ======+<< en:dienste:eduroam ^ ^ en:dienste:e-mail >>
-In order to be able to log in to certain university services, a one-time password (second factor) must be entered in addition to the login data of the university account. The UniRZ explains how to set up multi-factor authentication (MFA) in instructions on the intranet.+====== 4.03 Multi-factor authentication ====== 
 +In order to be able to log in to certain services of the universityyou have to enter a one-time password (second factor) in addition to the login data of the university account. The UniRZ explains how to set up multi-factor authentication (MFA) in a manual on the intranet.
 <button>[[|Anleitung]]</button> <button>[[|Anleitung]]</button>
 <button>[[|MFA-Portal]]</button> <button>[[|MFA-Portal]]</button>
-<alert+<WRAP box round
-For support around the MFA, you can contact the computer centre via the e-mail address [[]] . +For support regarding the MFA, you can contact the computer centre via the e-mail address [[]] . 
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en/dienste/mfa.1681348131.txt.gz · Last modified: 12.10.2023 20:43 (external edit)