
Beginn deines Studiums in Ilmenau

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3.03 Curricula and module handbooks

The module boards are interactive study plans with information on the modules. However, only the module handbooks are legally binding (Bachelor |Master).

Fakultät IA

Course of studies Bachelor Master
Biomedical Engineering Modultafel Modulhandbuch Modultafel Modulhandbuch
Computer Science Modultafel Modulhandbuch Modultafel Modulhandbuch
Engineering Informatics Modultafel Modulhandbuch Modultafel Modulhandbuch
Research in Computer & Systems Engineering Modultafel Modulhandbuch
Engineering Cybernetics and Systems Theory Modultafel Modulhandbuch Modultafel Modulhandbuch

Electoral catalogues

The electoral catalogues for the respective degree programmes can be found on the intranet.

en/studium/studienverlauf.txt · Last modified: 12.10.2023 20:45 by